Encore Michigan

Detroit Repertory auditions for “Covenant” by York Walker Sept. 19, 20

August 30, 2024

Detroit Repertory Theatre

: COVENANT by York Walker


Thursday and Friday, September 19 and 20, 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Detroit Repertory Theatre
3103 Woodrow Wilson
DetroitState: MI  48238


To schedule an appointment:



RUTHIE- [black woman] 19, the innocent one, obsessed with love or the idea of it.
VIOLET- [black woman] 19, Ruthie’s best friend, black sheep of the family, loves her older sister Avery fiercely.
AVERY- [black woman] 24, dreams of seeing the world outside of this town, a woman coming into her own and terrified.
MAMA- [black woman] early 40s, Violet and Avery’s mother, full of regret, the only thing holding her world together is her love for Avery and her belief in God.
*JOHNNY “HONEYCOMB” JAMES [black man] 24, guitar player, local celebrity, awkward turned ladies man. Has been in love with Avery since he was 12 years old.
*Actors auditioning for JOHNNY: Please note that JOHNNY sings a song and plays guitar within the play.

Knowledge of the script is highly recommended.
Scripts are available at the Repertory and may be taken from the Theatre overnight with a $20 refundable deposit. The audition will consist of reading sides from the script. Sides will be provided at the time of audition.

SPT Tier 1

$323 AEA Weekly, $200 Non-Equity weekly.

Rehearsals begin April 14, 2025

May 16 to July 6, 2025. Fridays at 8 p.m. Saturdays at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m.

Theater Website