Encore Michigan

A circus takes the stage

Review December 17, 2014 Martin F. Kohn

I’m imagining “Cirque Dreams Holidaze” creator Neil Goldberg asking young Kristine Hakobyan when she might be able to join the troupe and hearing her answer, “I’m flexible.”

Boy, is she ever.

Hakobyan is among the dozens of circus performers who bend over backwards (literally, in her case) to put on this show. Among them are folks balanced precariously on things that might fall or roll away at any moment (a vertical ladder held upright by the climber, a stack of blocks and cylinders), a man who piles up a prodigious assemblage of glassware on his head, a couple whose costumes change as if by magic, hoop spinners, roller skaters and tumbling rope jumpers…who all take their turns at entertaining the audience.

It’s as if Ed Sullivan’s old TV program had returned in a live version. (Back in the day, kids, besides introducing the Beatles to American viewers, Sullivan often featured circus acts.)

The premise of this show is that the performers represent various ornaments come to life. The theme isn’t really needed, but throw in an array of colorful, fanciful costumes; a smattering of Christmas songs (sung live to recorded accompaniment); and a Toyland set framed with giant nutcrackers and candy canes, and voila! you’ve got a holiday show.

This is a stage circus, not an arena circus and not, as some may believe, Cirque du Soleil. Nobody soars great distances (there are no great distances to be soared through), and even the tightrope man isn’t that far off the ground – enough to get hurt (hope he doesn’t) but not what you’d consider heart-stopping. And there are no animals except the human kind, although there are people dressed up as animals.

The show is entertaining, the performers highly skilled and there are plenty of suspenseful moments, most of them having to with whether somebody or something will come crashing down. Even the kid in front of me put away his electronic football game to watch.